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3, 2009 | |||
Abstracts | versione italiana | ![]() |
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Maria Antonietta Terzoli
Dediche leopardiane III: opere in versi della giovinezza e della maturità (1818-1831)
The first and second part of this research − on childhood and adolescence dedications (1808-1815) and on those erudite works of youth (1815-1825) − were published in the first two issues of «Margini» (2007, 1; 2008, 2). The survey now deals with the years of youth and adulthood (1818-1831), focusing its attention on the four intense epistolary dedications that Leopardi premised to his poetical texts: the dedication to Vincenzo Monti of the first two canzoni (All'Italia and Sopra il monumento di Dante) published at the start of 1819 and dated 1818, the one dedicated to the protagonist of the canzone Per una donna inferma (unpublished), the one dedicated to Leonardo Trissino of the canzone Ad Angelo Mai published in 1820 and finally the splendid and solitari dedication addressed Agli amici suoi di Toscana, written at the end of 1830 and premised to the first edition of the Canti (1831). An attentive analysis of these liminal texts (that may have undergone changes in between editions) allows to better understand Leopardi's own poetics and to closely follow the evolution of his judgements on contemporary Italian literature.
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Isabella Becherucci
Dediche manzoniane
Although Alessandro Manzoni's dedications are not numerous and appear only in the first important season of his poetic production, those which open some of his works still attract interest for their variety and for their biographic component: beginning with the incisive words for his friend Claude Fauriel on the title page of his first tragedy Il Conte di Carmagnola, moving on to his original homage to the German poet Teodoro Koerner for the ode Marzo 1821, hence to the touching dedication to his beloved wife Enrichetta Blondel on the first page of Adelchi, particularly significant for its funeral epigraph structure. The study begins with the episode of Giovan Battista Pagani's dedication of the ode In morte di Carlo Imbonati, offered to the poet Vincenzo Monti without Manzoni's knowledge, and ends with notes on the very Manzonian usage of private dedications which enrich many copies of the famous Lombard's later works, including the Promessi sposi.
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Chiara Schiavon
Una via d'accesso agli epistolari. Le dediche dei libri di lettere d'autore nel Cinquecento. Prima parte
This essay considers the dedications in the books of letters of single authors published in the middle of sixteenth century. Among the authors of these books there are important literary men like Pietro Aretino, Pietro Bembo, Claudio Tolomei and Annibal Caro, besides many other minor personalities yet important for the printing's and culture's world. The first part of this work, besides some preliminary remarks on formal matters (type of dedication, position, heading), concentrates on the dedicatee's figure, both from a textual point of view, analyzing the dedicatee's portraits made by the authors, and from a contextual point of view, outlining the relationships connecting the dedicatee to the author and the book, the motivations of the dedication and its consequences.
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Giulia Ponsiglione
Funzioni e finzioni nelle dediche di Luigi Guicciardini a Cosimo I de' Medici
Analyses and compares the two dedications written by Luigi Guicciardini to Cosimo I de' Medici in Comparazione del giuoco delli scacchi alla Arte militare and in Historia del Sacco di Roma. The two guicciardinian works seem at first sight quite different each other, both in subject and in structure; but indeed they reveal to the bottom a same pedagogic and flattering intention. That intention especially appears just in the two dedications to the Duke, where the Author can more freely elaborate his strategies of political and cultural self-legitimation.
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Laura Nocito
Ai margini della letteratura femminile: per un primo approccio alle dediche di poetesse nel Cinquecento
This article presents research on texts of dedication from a selection of 16th century female poets. It highlights the female presence in literature typical of the period as well as specific elements of their production in this genre. The research, even though conducted on a limited scale, shows how the female writers were able to write such dedications respecting habitual practice, and at the same time, providing evidence against the widespread misogyny that was apparent in the second half of the 16th century.
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