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6, 2012 | |||
Abstracts | versione italiana | ![]() |
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Sara Cerneaz
«Forse la storia è più bella della poesia». Attorno all'autocommento di Valerio Magrelli
If Valerio Magrelli's poetry already stands out with its immediate communicativeness, it is also interesting to consider the extent to which the poet is a generous interpreter of his own verses. Starting from a brief historical excursus on the evolution of the self-analysis, which is connected to the historical changes of the author's ruling, this article represents an interpretation of Magrelli's public epitext based on both the key Genette's studies on Seuils and the critics' recent debate. Through a conspicuous exemplification and using an empirically functional parameter, this article analyses theories and practices of the poet's self-analysis with the aim of delineating its phenomenology. According to Genette's classification, the article contains, on the one hand, situations of 'mediatic regime' (interviews and conversations) and, on the other, 'autonomous and posthumous' statements. These latest were recently published in La vicevita. Treni e viaggi in treno (Laterza, 2009).
versione italiana |
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Roberto Lauro
Una questione riemersa: un testo di Ruggiero Bonghi sulla dedica de La educazione di Parini
My contribution examines the issue of Giuseppe Parini's dedication to La educazione, which some 19th-century scholars believed to have been addressed to the Marchese Febo d'Adda instead of the count Carlo Imbonati. The former hypothesis was formulated by Giuseppe Giusti, and was later acknowledged or further debated by other readers, including Ruggero Bonghi and Antonio De Nino. The autograph version of Bonghi's essay appears as an appendix. The aim of the essay is to identify the reasons and conditions (both philological and editorial) that caused the wrong attribution and its circulation. Few testimonies of the dedication to Imbonati exist until 1881, and no edition of the Odes mentions it until 1846. These considerations also provided the opportunity to offer a more general analysis of the problem of Parini's dedications to the Odes, permitting to make some observations on his attitudes towards this literary practice.
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Valeria Guarna
Il sistema degli apparati paratestuali nelle edizioni del Libro del Cortegiano di Castiglione (1528-1854)
This study suggests a comprehensive view of the different typologies and their connected functions of the paratextual apparatuses. The analysis focuses on the dedications and the notices to the readers, printed in the Italian and foreign editions of the Libro del Cortegiano of Castiglione (1528-1854).
Particular attention has been dedicated to the paratext of the first edition of the censored work, which was printed in Venice by Bernardo Basa in 1584.
versione italiana |
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Franco Pierno
Il modello linguistico decameroniano nel pensiero dell'umanista Antonio Brucioli. Un'analisi di peritesti
The inquiry on the role had by the lingua volgare (Italian vernacular), at the dawn of the Reformist period, appears to be intensifying in recent years. Antonio Brucioli, a Florentine humanist who lived between the end of the fifteenth and first half of the sixteenth centuries, a prolific translator, curator of several editions of both Petrarca and Boccaccio's works, and a typographer and polygraph, is chiefly known for his translation of the Bible (published for the first time in Venice, in 1532), but also due to certain theoretical positions, of his, in matter of language. The aim of this contribution is to re-trace these positions, in light of the influence undergone with Boccaccio's work, and in doing so it attempts to answer the following question: how, then, do the Boccaccian texts, the urge to divulge the text of the Sacred Scriptures, and Florentine-like and Tuscan theories, intersect in a humanist, a sympathizer of the Reform, someone interested mainly in a middle-to-low-class type of readership? The answer is given through the analysis of "peritexts" (péritextes): frontispieces, prefaces, dedicatory letters, glossaries found in appendix, etc., are the privileged locus for a «pacte de lecture» (a reading pact) between author and readers, in which the fundamental outlines of a Bruciolian linguistic thought may be found.
versione italiana |
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Alberto De Angelis
Strategie di dedica nelle Opere Toscane di Luigi Alamanni: tra elogio e sperimentazione
In his Opere Toscane, Luigi Alamanni uses several strategies (dedications and prefaces) to reinforce the eulogization of his protector Francis I. The two volumes of the Opere Toscane, published between 1532 and 1533, reveal an innovative architecture of genres and meters. In this article, the dedications that open and close each of the fifteen sections will be analyzed in order to illustrate the complex distribution of materials into two volumes. I will also trace the genesis of the Opere Toscane project. If the dedications show a privileged attention to Francis I, the prefaces to the two volumes insist on defending the innovations introduced. Considerable space is given to endecasillabo sciolto: Alamanni uses this meter in six sections, trying to adapt the endecasillabo to different genres.
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